Well… Another week of prep is almost done and I’m feeling happier and healthier as each day passes. Cardio in the mornings is getting easier and strength in the gym continues to increase! My food is still high despite my coach dropping my calories this week (only by 150 per day) and I know I’m on for a new low weigh in come check in tomorrow. This week has been an interesting one with regards to supporting my clients and the news in the media. There are common themes coming through and people’s well-being and overall energy I feel are at a low. It seems like everyone is fed up with the current situation – which of course is to be expected! But for some reason this week has been particularly tough for my clients and motivation is dwindling. So – I’ve had a pep talk with all my clients about this, we shared a team zoom call too and I prepared a Facebook post for the private group to give them some tips on how to protect their emotional energy and overall well-being. In today’s podcast, I’d like to dive a little deeper… and give you guys three main areas which you could address in order to support you through this difficult time: Media consumption, Social media culling, Supporting others…
Taking steps to minimize stress during this difficult time is essential for both your physical and mental health. While watching the news can provide you with critical information about protecting yourself and others, taking in too much information can be overwhelming and detrimental to your mental health.
Social media can be a great way to connect with people all over the world in a positive way, but can equally have a negative impact too! Assessing the accounts and people you currently follow will help you identify whether these people add VALUE to your life and make you feel good! If the answer is no – then I would highly recommend culling your feeds. I challenge everyone this week to reduce the number of accounts they follow by at least 10% – if you do – message me on Instagram and let me know how you feel…
I believe the best thing we can do for our own well-being and mental health is to help others. When we support other people and add value to their lives in some way it boosts our own well-being and gives us a sense of purpose and fulfilment. If you haven’t already done so – I’d highly recommend reaching out to someone else you know/follow online that may be in need of support or someone to talk to. Perhaps you see someone working really hard on their fitness goals or building their business – share their posts, show them they are doing a good job and encourage them to continue!
Please check our my latest Podcast episode – number 56 – where I talk about this in more detail.