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Since I last spoke with you all a lot has progressed with my prep and my business too! I’ve now launched three new aspects to my website including a meal plan ideas gallery, Bex recommends section (detailing all the companies and brands I work with) and my Business With Bex tab which includes all information regarding business coaching. In addition to this, I’ve been filming and editing for my exercise catalogue online. 115 videos filmed in the gym, voiceovers added and training plans all updated for my clients who are going back into the gym this coming week. These projects have taken a lot of time, energy and work but I know they will 100% be worth it moving forward and will help all those I work with when progressing in their health, fitness and business journeys. With regards to prep, last Saturday I checked in with my coach and we had a big drop in weight. I dropped 4lbs in one week which is mega – but here’s the thing… This drop isn’t necessarily the result of one week’s hard work, effort or consistency with food. It’s the accumulation of 11 weeks of prep 100% following my food plan, making adjustments as recommended by my coach each week and attacking every single workout and cardio session with as much intensity as possible. I’ve been through this process enough times to know that my body will always respond when consistent systems and routines are adhered to over an extended period of time. And I think this is so important to remember when embarking on a journey like this or dieting for fat loss that it takes time – you need to be patient and fully trust that the more you adhere the more your body will respond. So in this week’s podcast episode I share with you my experience when it comes to dieting, dropping body fat and the truth about dieting whether you are a lifestyle client or dieting for a prep for stage or photoshoot. Click the link in my Walk With Bex podcast tab and let me know if you find it useful!