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Well… The response after last week’s podcast episode and blog was mega! I was flooded with messages from those of you who found it useful and I’m so pleased it either gave you an insight into the world of online coaching from my perspective or helped you as a client who is coached by someone else. I didn’t realise the impact it would have and I’m just happy I put it out there and was honest in my reflections and shared my experience. For those of you who did message me – you asked for me to share more information and my journey from teaching to online coaching in more detail. So this week – I’ve been filming and editing a whole YouTube video on how I built my online coaching business. Honestly, it’s one of the most emotional videos I’ve ever created and it means so much to me… I also recorded another podcast episode on this and really go deeper in the nitty-gritty of how I made my business a success and the journey from 2018 – 2021. If you are not already subscribed to my YouTube channel or podcast ‘Walk With Bex’ please go and check it out and let me know what you think… I’d really appreciate it!